Day Service Option (DSO)
MARC, Inc. provides diverse day service options that include work, leisure activities, and community experiences that allow individuals to have fulfilling days that are tailored to each person's needs.
DSO Shannon's Place
We provide our participants with quality leisure activities and community participation opportunities that encourage independent decision making by each participant. We provide excellent direct care to ensure our participants enjoy a happy, healthy day.
We also provide one to one services to individuals. During the day, there is a wide variety of on-going individual and group activities such as arts and crafts, exercise, dancing, bingo, board games, outside sports, X-BOX interactive video games, iPad games, movies, and fitness activities. For those who wish quieter moments, we offer an area filled with comfortable recliners and a large screen TV. We often have exciting holiday parties and birthday celebrations.
Our participants tour many area farms, visit nearly all the museums and historical landmarks in the state and even tour various businesses. Other destinations include shopping malls, out for break and lunch, various nature activities, movies, bowling, and craft shopping. We even go to the circus and baseball games!
Shannon’s Place DSO also offers several exciting special interest opportunities that encourage a deeper level of community involvement.
We go to a local McDonald’s every week for bingo.
We also volunteer for Crayons for Cancer, with proceeds going to the Children’s Hospital.
DSO with Work
The DSO with Work is always busy, providing individuals with in-house work that is tailored to each person's skill and abilities.
Some of our major jobs include cleaning and packaging safety glasses for Pratt & Whitney, assembling U-Bolts for Empire Industries, shredding for individuals & businesses, and preparing mailings for MARC & the town.
Besides our work, we also provide unique opportunities to our individuals, including trips to museums and other community-based experiences.
If you are interested in shredding, please contact Glorimar at 860-646-5718 ext. 284.
Retirement Services

The Ann Mazur Senior Center at MARC, Inc. believes in offering every Senior an opportunity for personal growth and self-expression while providing individualized care.
Welcome to the Ann Mazur Senior Center at MARC Inc. We provide our seniors with quality leisure activities and community participation opportunities that encourage independent decision making by each participant. Our staff is competent and highly trained in CPR, First Aid, and a variety of nursing delegated duties. They can also be certified by DDS in Medication Administration. We provide excellent direct care to ensure our Seniors enjoy a happy, healthy day. As our Seniors age, some will require more hands-on supports for their personal care.
Our staff enjoys providing a wide variety of activities to choose from during the day. Some activities are designed for groups, while others are tailored to meet individual interests and preferences. We strive to have activities for everyone to be engaged in that stimulate creativity and create meaningful experiences. Some of our Seniors have specific PT/OT programs that our staff ensure are followed on a daily basis. We typically have a ratio of one staff to four Seniors for activities. Every month, seniors receive a calendar of daily activities to keep them informed of the fun times ahead.
During the day, there is a wide variety of on-going individual and group activities such as arts and crafts, exercise, dancing, bingo, board games, outside sports, X-BOX interactive video games, iPad games, movies, and fitness activities. There is even a piano to play and a billiard table! For those who wish quieter moments, we offer an area filled with comfortable recliners and a large screen tv.
Document Shredding Services
151 Sheldon Rd.
Manchester, CT 06042
860-646-5718 X184

Service Overview
- 50¢ Per Pound
- No Minimum Required
MARC, Inc.'s Confidential Document Shredding Service accepts jobs from local businesses and community members, Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 2:00 pm. Document pick up can be scheduled on demand.
Why Shred with MARC, Inc.?
Ensure the safe, confidential destruction of your documents while providing employment for people with disabilities. Our Services are cost effective and just as efficient as those of the large document destruction companies.
The MARC, Inc. advantage is our willingness and ability to complete smaller jobs. We do not have a minimum fee of services.
"Shred It and Forget It"
For more information or to schedule a pickup: Call Glorimar Irizarry at 860-646-5718 x184