MARC, Inc.'s Employment Services offer diverse career opportunities to 200+ individuals with supports tailored to each person's needs.

MARC Inc. works closely with the Department of Developmental (DDS) to provide the following Employment Services:

​Supported Employment

Allows participants to work in competitive job environments while earning a paycheck. It includes assisting our participants with job search and placement and is conducted in a variety of work settings.  Our participants are integrated alongside co-workers without disabilities to perform their assigned work duties.  Supervision, employment supports, and training from our staff are provided to sustain work in the community.

Group Supported Employment

Provides employment supports to a group of individuals who work in the community, performing various tasks while earning wages. Each group has a Supervisor who assists them at the job site and ensures tasks are performed to the employer’s expectations.  In our Mobile Work Crews, a group of participants work in a variety of locations and travel to a number of work sites during the day under the continuous supervision of an Employment Specialist (Job Coach).

Person served at work
Individualized Supported Employment

Is a supported employment placement strategy in which an Employment Specialist (Job Coach) places a participant into competitive employment through a job discovery process, provides training and support and then gradually reduces time and assistance at the work site.  This service may also include development and on-going support for self-employment.  Working with the participant, this assistance consists of:

  • ​Create/Update Employment Resumes
  • Interview Preparedness Skills
  • Job Development
  • Work Evaluations
  • Career Observations
  • On the Job training
  • Employer Relations
  • Job Coaching/Supports

Individualized Day Supports Vocational

Provides supports to participants tailored to his/her specific needs related to the acquisition, improvement, and retention of skills and abilities to be competitively employed.

Transitional Services

​​Project Search

A unique, business-led, nine month internship program that takes place entirely in the work place. The program allows each student with a disability to be immersed in a workplace setting giving hands on experience that will increase their skills and abilities. These skills and abilities will enhance their chances at real competitive work and reaching their ultimate goals.

project search logo


  • Adults with disabilities, ages 22+.
  • Strong desire to work & demonstrate the potential for competitive employment.
  • Residents in Eastern CT with access to reliable transportation.
  • Must have received a high school diploma or completed GED. 
  • Adults receiving DDS funding for employment services.

Benefits for Students & Families

  • Provides post-secondary training and internship experience at no cost to students or families.
  • Creates opportunities to work in a high–status organization within the community
  • Concentrates on developing intern strength areas.
  • Works towards independence in areas such as transportation, self-advocacy, health, and wellness, financial literacy, etc.
  • Provides linages to vocational rehabilitation, developmental disability, and other post-secondary support agencies.
  • Provides opportunities to explore a variety of employment options through multiple internships.
  • Provides opportunities to build job-specific and employability skills
  • Delivers transition services in inclusive settings

Contact Us

​Randi Hewitt, Project SEARCH Coordinator

Call (860) 646-5718 ext. 282 or Email

Vocational Enhanced Transition Program

VET program interns learning in the life skills classroom

The Vocational Enhanced Transition [VET] Program, held in the MARC, Inc. Life Skills Center, is an intensive 16-week program that blends classroom time with targeted, individually tailored internships. By partnering with our local small businesses and community organizations, we provide our interns with disabilities the opportunity to learn transferrable, hands-on job skills while simultaneously developing their personal resumes and securing employment references.

vending for change logo
A local vending machine company that is owned and operated by individuals with disabilities from MARC, Inc. of Manchester.


vending for change vending machine site
  • Purchases from our vending machines employ individuals with intellectual & developmental disabilities to live meaningful lives of independence, choice, inclusion, and continuous personal growth.​
  • MARC, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides services to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. MARC provides residential, senior center, employment, Day Service Options (DSO) with work, DSO Shannon’s Place, recreational and respite, and advocacy services tailored to each individual.​

If you are interested in supporting Vending For Change, please contact Vending Facilitator - Kelly Ray (860) 646-5718 ext. 137 or